京都大学医学部附属病院 脳神経外科


研究業績 2010年


[発表論文(英文)] [発表論文(和文)] [特別講演及びシンポジウム] [学会発表]


  1. Takahashi JC
    Pregnancy and Delivery in Moyamoya Disease B-K. Cho and T. Tominaga (eds)
    Moyamoya Disease Update, 331-335, 2010
  2. Miyamoto S, Takahashi JC
    Moyamoya Disease in Adult: Management of Hemorrhage B-K. Cho and T. Tominaga (eds)
    Moyamoya Disease Update, 300-305, 2010
  3. Yamada S, Nishii R, Oka S, Higashi T, Yagi M, Satow T, Suzuki T, Saiki M
    FDG-PET is a Pivotal Imaging Modality for Diagnosis of Stroke-onset Intravascular Lymphoma
    Arch Neurol, Mar; 67(3): 366-367, 2010
  4. Aoki T, Nishimura M
    Targeting chronic inflammation in cerebral aneurysms: focusing on NF-kappaB as a putative target of medical therapy
    Expert Opin Ther Targets, 14(3): 265-273, 2010
  5. Takagi Y, Kikuta K, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N
    Early regrowth of juvenile cerebral arteriovenous malformations: report of 3 cases and immunohistochemical analysis
    World Neurosurg, 73(2): 100-107, 2010
  6. Imamura H, Ohta T, Tsunetoshi K, Doi K, Nozaki K, Takagi Y, Kikuta K
    Transdifferentiation of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells into the smooth muscle cell lineage mediated by transforming growth factor-beta1
    Atherosclerosis, 211(1): 114-121, 2010
  7. Aziz MM, Takagi Y, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S
    Activation of nuclear factor κ B in cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
    Neurosurgery, 67(6): 1669-79;discussion 1679-80, 2010
  8. Kawarazaki S, Taniguchi K, Shirahata M, Kukita Y, Kanemoto M, Mikuni N, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S, Takahashi JA, Kato K
    Conversion of a molecular classifier obtained by gene expression profiling into a classifier based on real-time PCR: A prognosis predictor for gliomas
    BMC Med Genet, 3: 52, 2010
  9. Mikuni N, Miyamoto S
    Surgical treatment glioma; Extent of resection applying functional neurosurgery
    Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 50(9): 720-726, 2010
  10. Takahashi JC, Miyamoto S
    Moyamoya disease: Recent progress and outlook
    Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 50(9): 824-832, 2010
  11. Hishikawa T, Iihara K, Yamada N, Ishibashi-Ueda H, Miyamoto S
    Assessment of necrotic core with intraplaque hemorrhage in atherosclerotic carotid artery plaque by MR imaging with 3D gradient-echo sequence in patients with high-grade stenosis; Clinical article
    J Neurosurg, 113(4): 890-896, 2010
  12. Tanji M, Ishizaki T, Ebrahimi S, Tsuboguchi Y, Sukezane T, Akagi T, Frame M C, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S, Narumiya S
    mDia1 targets v-Src to the cell periphery and facilitates cell transformation, tumorigenesis, and invasion
    Mol Cell Biol, 30(19): 4604-4615, 2010
  13. Mikuni N, Yokoyama Y, Matsumoto A, Kikuchi T, Yamada S, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S
    Intravenous methylprednisolone reduces the risk of propofol-induced adverse effects during wada testing
    Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 50(8): 622-626, 2010
  14. Irie T, Yoshitani K, Ohnishi Y, Shinzawa M, Miura N, Kusaka Y, Miyzaki S, Miyamoto S
    The efficacy of motor-evoked potentials on cerebral aneurysm surgery and new-onset postoperative motor deficits
    J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 22(3): 247-251, 2010
  15. Iihara, K, Okawa M, Hishikawa T, Yamada N, Fukushima K, Iida H, Miyamoto S
    Slowly progressive neuronal death associated with postischemic hyperperfusion in cortical laminar necrosis after high-flow bypass for a carotid intracavernous aneurysm: Case report
    J Neurosurg, 112(6): 1254-1259, 2010
  16. Hashikata H, Liu W, Inoue K, Mineharu Y, Yamada S, Nanayakkara S, Matsuura N, Hitomi T, Takagi Y, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S, Koizumi A
    Confirmation of an association of single-nucleotid polymorphism rs1333040 on 9p21 with familial and sporadic intracranial aneurysms in Japanese patients
    Stroke, 41(6): 1138-1144, 2010
  17. Ishibashi R, Aoki T, Nishimura M, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S
    Contribution of mast cells to cerebral aneurysm formation
    Curr Neurovas Res, 7(2): 113-124, 2010
  18. Zhang Z W, Yanamoto H, Nagata I, Miyamoto S, Nakajo Y, Xue J H, Iihara K, Kikuchi H
    Platelet-derived growth factor-induced severe and chronic vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries: Propose growth factor explanation of cerebral vasospasm
    Neurosurgery, 66(4): 728-735, 2010
  19. Morizane A, Darsalia V, Guloglu MO, Hjalt T, Carta M, Li JY, Brundin P
    A simple method for large-scale generation of dopamine neurons from human embryonic stem cells
    J Neurosci Res, 88(16): 3467-78, 2010
  20. Washida K, Ihara M, Nishio K, Fujita Y, Maki T, Yamada M, Takahashi J, Wu X, Kihara T, Ito H, Tomimoto H, Takahashi R
    Nonhypotensive dose of Telmisartan attenuates cognitive impairment partially due to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-g activation in mice with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion
    Stroke, 41(8): 1798-1806, 2010
  21. Saiki H, Hayashi T, Takahashi R, Takahashi J
    Objective and quantitative evaluation of motor function in a monkey model of Parkinson’s disease
    J Neurosci Methods, 190(2): 198-204, 2010
  22. Morizane A and Takahashi J
    Embryonic stem cell transplantation for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in Perspectives of Stem Cells
    H. Ulrich(Ed.).Springer, 245-254, 2010
  23. Uemura M, Refaat M. M, Shinoyama M, Hayashi H, Hashimoto N, Takahashi J
    Matrigel supports survival and neuronal differentiation of grafted embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursor cells
    J Neurosci Res, 88(3): 542-551, 2010
  24. Kawarazaki S, Taniguchi K, Shirahata M, Kukita Y, Kanemoto M, Mikuni N, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S, A Takahashi J, Kato K
    Conversion of a molecular classifier obtained by gene expression profiling into a classifier based on real-time PCR: a prognosis predictor for gliomas
    BMC Med Genet, 3: 52, 2010
  25. Mitsueda-Ono T, Ikeda A, Inouchi M, Takaya S, Matsumoto R, Hanakawa T, Sawamoto N, Mikuni N, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R
    Amygdalar enlargement in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy
    J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry[Epub ahead of print]2010
  26. Mitsueda-Ono T, Ikeda A, Inouchi M, Takaya S, Matsumoto R, Hanakawa T, Sawamoto N, Mikuni N, Fukuyama H, Takahashi R
    Amygdalar enlargement in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy
    J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry[Epub ahead of print]2010
  27. Hashikata H, Liu W, Inoue K, Mineharu Y, Yamada S, Nanayakkara S, Matsuura N, Hitomi T, Takagi Y, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S, Koizumi A
    Confirmation of an association of single-nucleotide polymorphism rs1333040 on 9p21 with familial and sporadic intracranial aneurysms in Japanese patients
    Stroke, 41(6): 1138-1144, 2010
  28. Satow T, Yamada S, Yagi M, Saiki M
    Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system after ventriculoperitoneal shunt
    J Neurosurg, 113(1): 93-96, 2010
  29. Mikuni N, Yokoyama Y, Matsumoto A, Kikuchi T, Yamada S, Hashimoto N, Miyamoto S
    Intravenous methylprednisolone reduces the risk of propofol-induced adverse effects during Wada testing
    Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 50(8): 622-666, 2010
  30. Funaki T, Matsushima T, Masuoka J, Nakahara Y, Takase Y, Kawashima M
    Adhesion of rhomboid lip to lower cranial nerves as special consideration in microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm: Report of two cases
    Surg Neurol Int, 18(1): 71, 2010
  31. Takahashi JC, Miyamoto S
    Moyamoya disease: Recent Progress and Outlook
    Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 50: 824-831, 2010
  32. Takahashi JC
    Pregnancy and delivery in moyamoya disease. Edited by Cho BK and Tominaga T
    Moyamoya Disease Update, 331-335, Springer Tokyo Berlin Heiderberg New York, 2010


  1. 三國 信啓
    Epilepsy. 4: 35?42,2010

  2. 三國 信啓
    脳神経外科ジャーナル 19: 321 ?331,2010

  3. 石井 暁
    How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
    血管内治療編 10(硬膜動静脈瘻 TVE)脳神経外科速報 20(1): 40 ?45,2010

  4. 石井 暁
    How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
    血管内治療編 11(硬膜動静脈瘻 TAE)脳神経外科速報 20(2): 166 ?171,2010

  5. 石井 暁
    How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
    血管内治療編 12(頭蓋内ステント術)脳神経外科速報 20(3): 300 ?307,2010

  6. 石井 暁
    How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
    血管内治療編 13(off-the-job training)脳神経外科速報 20(4): 428 ?435,2010

  7. 菱川 朋人,飯原 弘二,山田 直明,増田 初江,長束 一行,宮本 享,伊達 勲
    脳神経外科ジャーナル 19(11): 836?843,2010

  8. 江頭 祐介,佐藤 徹,桝田 宏輔,大川 将和,大西 宏之,岡崎 貴仁,髙橋 淳,村尾 健一,飯原 弘二,宮本 享
    脳神経外科 38(10): 913?920,2010

  9. 三國 信啓
    Epilepsy 4: 35?42,2010

  10. 三國 信啓
    脳神経外科速報 20: 687?696,2010

  11. 三國 信啓
    CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 28: 1115?1117,2010

  12. 三國 信啓
    脳神経外科ジャーナル 19: 321?331,2010

  13. 三國 信啓,松本 敦仁,横山 洋平,宮本 享
    「新時代の脳腫瘍学 診断・治療の最前線」脳腫瘍の治療 脳腫瘍の外科療法
    日本臨床 68 増刊 10 新時代の脳腫瘍学: 359?362,2010

  14. 三國 信啓
    Epilepsy 4: 35?42,2010

  15. 三國 信啓
    「新人読ん得!お助け特集 病態生理超ベーシック 17 良く見る疾患・症状を完全把握!」疾患編 てんかん
    Brain Nursing 26: 374?375,2010

  16. 三國 信啓
    宮本享,鈴木倫保,渋井壮一郎,中瀬裕之編 EBM 脳神経外科疾患の治療 2010 ?2011.(東京:
    中外医学社): 313?316,2010

  17. 三國 信啓
    側頭葉・後頭葉の手術 後頭葉てんかんの手術
    斉藤延人編.ビジュアル脳神経外科シリーズ 2.側頭葉・後頭葉(東京:
    メジカルビュー社): 160?165,2010

  18. 三國 信啓
    端 和夫編.脳神経外科臨床マニュアル改訂第 4 版(東京:
    シュプリンガージャパン): 1203?1213,2010

  19. 三國 信啓,宮本 享,橋本信夫
    グリオーマ摘出における Fiber tracking の意義
    脳腫瘍の外科 ― Science, Art and Technology.(有限会社編集室なるにあ):

  20. 三國 信啓
    児玉南海雄監修.標準脳神経外科改訂第 12 版.(東京:
    医学書院): 327?340,2011

  21. 三國 信啓
    江藤文夫,飯島節編.神経内科学テキスト改訂第 3 版(東京:
    南江堂): 253?260,2011