研究業績 2008年
[発表論文(英文)] [発表論文(和文)] [特別講演及びシンポジウム] [学会発表]
- Kikuta K, Takagi Y, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N.
Introduction to tractography-guided navigation: using 3-tesla magnetic resonance tractography in surgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations
Acta Neurochir Suppl 103: 11-14, 2008 - Hayashi H, Morizane A, Koyanagi M, Ono Y, Sasai Y, Hashimoto N, Takahashi J.
Meningeal cells induce dopaminergic neurons from embryonic stem cells
Eur J Neurosci 27: 261-268, 2008 - Koyanagi M, Takahashi J, Arakawa Y, Doi D, Fukuda H, Hayashi H, Narumiya S, Hashimoto N.
Inhibition of the Rh/ROCK pathway reduces apoptosis during transplantation of embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursors
J Neurosci Res 1; 86: 270-280, 2008 - Mineharu Y, Inoue K, Inoue S, Kikuchi K, Ohishi H, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N, Koizumi A.
Association analyses confirming a susceptibility locus for intracranial aneurysm at chromosome 14q23
J Hum Genet 53: 325-332, 2008 - Enatsu R, Mikuni N, Usui K, Matsubayashi J, Taki J, Begum T, Matsumoto R, Ikeda A, Nagamine T, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N.
Usefulness of MEG magnetometer for spike detection in patients with mesial temporal epileptic focus
Neuroimage 41: 1206-1219, 2008 - Mineharu Y, Liu W, Inoue K, Matsuura N, Inoue S, Takenaka K, Ikeda H, Houkin K, Takagi Y, Kikuta K, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N, Koizumi A.
Autosomal dominant moyamoya disease maps to chromosome 17q25.3
Neurology 10; 70(24 Pt 2): 2357-2363, 2008 - Aoki T, Kataoka H, Ishibashi R, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N.
Cathepsin B, K, and S Are Expressed in Cerebral Aneurysms and Promote the Progression of Cerebral Aneurysms
Stroke. 2008 - Fujimoto M, Takagi Y, Aoki T, Hayase M, Marumo T, Gomi M, Nishimura M, Kataoka H, Hashimoto N, Nozaki K.
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases protect blood-brain barrier disruption in focal cerebral ischemia.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab., 2008 - Kawabata Y, Takahashi JA, Arakawa Y, Shirahata M, Hashimoto N.
Long term outcomes in patients with intracranial geminomas: a single institution experience of irradiation with or without chemotherapy.
J Neurooncol, 2008 - Kikuta K, Yamagata S, Arakawa Y, Hojo M, Ishii A, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N.
Plical resection in pre-temporal approach for basilar bifurcation aneurysms: preliminary surgical experience and cadaveric study
Acta Neurochir (Wien) 150: 749-756, 2008 - Aoki T, Moriwaki T, Takagi Y, Kataoka H, Yang J, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N.
The efficacy of apolipoprotein E deficiency in cerebral aneurysm formation
Int J Mol Med 21: 453-459, 2008 - Mori N, Miki Y, Fushimi Y, Kikuta K, Urayama S, Okada T, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N, Togashi K.
Cerebral infarction associated with moyamoya disease: histogram-based quantitative analysis of diffusion tensor imaging – a preliminary study
Magn Reson Imaging 26: 835-840, 2008 - Aoki T, Kataoka H, Ishibashi R, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N.
Simvastatin suppresses the progression of experimentally induced cerebral aneurysms in rats
Stroke 39: 1276-1285, 2008 - Mori N, Miki Y, Kikuta K, Fushimi Y, Okada T, Urayama S, Sawamoto N, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N, Togashi K.
Microbleeds in moyamoya disease: susceptibility-weighted imaging versus T2 -weighted imaging at 3 Tesla.
Invest Radiol 43: 574-579, 2008 - Aoki T, Kataoka H, Ishibashi R, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N.
Nifedipine inhibits the Progression of An Experimentally Induced Cerebral Aneurysms in Rats with Associated Down-Regulation of NF-Kappa B Transcriptional Activity
Curr Neurovasc Res 5: 37-45, 2008 - Kikuta K, Takagi Y, Nozaki K, Sawamoto N, Fukuyama H, Hashimoto N.
The presence of multiple microbleeds as a predictor of subsequent cerebral hemorrhage in patients with moyamoya disease
Neurosurgery 62: 104-111, 2008 - Nozaki K, Kikuta K, Takagi Y, Mineharu Y, Takahashi JA, Hashimoto N.
Effect of early optic canal unroofing on the outcome of visual functions in surgery for meningiomas of the tuberculum sellae and planum sphenoidale
Neurosurgery 62: 839-844, 2008 - Ideguchi M, Shinoyama M, Gomi M, Hayashi H, Hashimoto N, Takahashi J.
Immune or inflammatory response by the host brain suppresses neuronal differentiation of transplanted ES cell-derived neural precursor cells
J Neurosci Res 86: 1936-1943, 2008 - Nishimura M, Izumiya Y, Higuchi A, Shibata R, Qiu J, Kudo C, Shin KH, Moskowitz MA, Ouchi N.
Adiponectin prevents cerebral ischemic injury through eNOS-dependent mechanisms.
Circulation 15; 117(2): 216-223, 2008 - Wataya T, Ando S, Muguruma K, Ikeda H, Watanabe K, Eiraku M, Kawada M, Takahashi J, Hashimoito N, Sasai Y.
Minimization of exogenous signals in ES cell culture induces rostral hypothalamic differentiation.
Pro Natl Acad Sci USA 19; 105(33): 11796-11801, 2008 - Eiraku M, Watanabe K, Matsuo-Takasaki M, Kawada M, Yonemura S, Matsumura M, Wataya T, Nishiyama A, Muguruma K, Sasai Y.
Self-organized formation of polarized cortical tissues from ESCs and its active manipulation by extrinsic signals
Cell Stem Cell 6; 3(5): 519-532, 2008 - Osakada F, Ikeda H, Mandai M, Wataya T, Watanabe K, Yoshimura N, Akaike A, Sasai Y, Takahashi M.
Toward the generation of rod and cone photoreceptors from mouse, monkey and human embryonic stem cells.
Nat Biotechnol 26(2): 215-224, 2008 - Moritake K, Mikuni N, Akiyama Y, Nagai H, Maruyama N, Takada D, Sugimoto K, Nagasako N, Hashimoto N.
Long-term seizure outcome in patients undergoing resection of lesions detected by magnetic resonance imaging
Neurol Med Chir 48: 546-551, 2008 - Wataya T, Muguruma K, Sasai Y.
Human pluripotent stem cell and neural differentiation
Brain Nerve 60(10): 1165-1172, 2008 - Ishii A, Murayama Y, Nien YL, Yuki I, Adapon PH, Kim R, Jahan R, Duckwiler G, Vinuela
Immediate and midterm outcomes of patients with cerebral aneurysms treated with Matrix1 and Matrix2 coils: a comparative analysis based on a single-center experiencein 250 consecutive cases
Neurosurgery, 63: 1071-1077; discussion 1077-1079, 2008
- 三國信啓
Multimodality 画像を用いた脳腫瘍の手術戦略?脳腫瘍手術における解剖学的・生理学的脳機能評価法の臨床的意義
CI 研究 30: 115-121, 2008 - 三國信啓
最新の覚醒下脳神経外科手術 Annual Review
神経 130-135, 2008 - 峰晴陽平,菊田健一郎,高木康志,野崎和彦,橋本信夫,小泉昭夫
脳神経外科速報 18(7): 868-875, 2008 - 髙橋 淳
臨床神経学 48(4): 233-241, 2008 - 髙橋 淳
ES 細胞移植による中枢神経機能の再生
遺伝子医学 MOOK 別冊 進みつづける細胞移植治療の実際(下巻)117-121, 2008 - 北条雅人,喜田亜矢,橋本信夫,影山龍一郎
Notch-Hes pathway?下垂体発生における Hes 因子の働き?
脳神経外科速報 18(5): 586-591, 2008 - 北条雅人,髙橋 潤,橋本信夫
日本内分泌学会雑誌 84: 26-28, 2008 - 森実飛鳥,髙橋 淳
パーキンソン病の再生医療? ES 細胞,iPS 細胞を用いた細胞移植治療の展望
綜合臨床 58(1): 50-55, 2009 - 髙橋 淳
細胞工学 28(5): 473-477, 2009 - 髙橋 淳,森実飛鳥
再生療法?ES 細胞,iPS 細胞
日本臨床 67: 440-443, 2009 - 高木康志
脳卒中 30: 526-530, 2008 - 高木康志
脳循環代謝 19: 151-154, 2008 - 石井 暁
How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
血管内治療編 1(セットアップ)
脳神経外科速報 18(4): 444-451, 2008 - 石井 暁
How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
血管内治療編 2(腫瘍塞栓術)
脳神経外科速報 18(5): 566-574, 2008 - 石井 暁
How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
血管内治療編 3(頚動脈ステント術基礎)
脳神経外科速報 18(6): 696-704, 2008 - 石井 暁
How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
血管内治療編 4(頚動脈ステント応用)
脳神経外科速報 18(7): 834-840, 2008 - 石井 暁
How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
血管内治療編 5(脳動脈瘤塞栓術基礎)
脳神経外科速報 18(8): 978-985, 2008 - 石井 暁
How do you teach/master Neurosurgical テクニック?
血管内治療編 6 (脳動脈瘤塞栓術応用)
脳神経外科速報 18(4): 1112-1120, 2008 - 荒川芳輝,岸 陽,三國信啓,髙橋 潤,中嶋安彬,橋本信夫
Low-grade glioma に対する外科的治療:Glioma の生物学的見地から
脳腫瘍の外科 15-21, 2008 - 中澤和智,村尾健一
脳動脈瘤塞栓術の理論と実際:城山病院 脳血管内治療科
脳神経外科速報 18(8): 992-1000, 2008